

  • 氏原 将奈 淑徳大学看護栄養学部
Keywords: Local Governments, suicide attempter, public health nurse


This study aimed to elucidate characteristics of subjects supported by governmental support program for people with suicide attempt and their prognosis by analyzing published data about this support program, attempted suicide in emergency unit in hospital, data on suicide.

This study revealed that government has awareness toward suicide attempt of male, middle-aged, or non-employed groups that have high risk of completed suicide. The group of suicide attempters have average of 3 background factors of problems and They are more likely to be informed about suicide attempters by related-organizations rather than local communities or the person himself which is common in mental health counseling. Public health nurses support for suicidal attempters that are not solved by single organizations, and focus on prevention of repeating suicidal attempts by introducing suitable organizations to suicide attempters. Hence, government in recent cooperates with organizations expertise in law, economy, and employment such as lawyers, National Health Insurance and Pension Division and job placement office.
